How do you become a high-functioning team? Innovate?
Solve complex challenges?

Learn how to collaborate!!

Based on Collabforge’s published step-by-step method for scalable collaboration design, participants will learn methods to:

  • Identify and evaluate collaboration opportunities
  • Develop a value proposition for collaboration and communicate it to others
  • Collaboratively identify and resolve challenging issues and tensions
  • Evaluate requirements to sustain and grow your group initiative to any size needed

Our approach to collaboration training focuses on action learning. We blend the introduction of new ideas and methods with tackling real challenges your group is facing. 

Through applying these methods, participants will:

  • Explore and identify their key collaboration challenges and opportunities together
  • Apply the ideas and methods presented to these challenges and opportunities
  • Develop shared language, practices and understandings for future collaboration

Training program content

Our collaboration training program is a one day intensive workshop. The program introduces theory in three modules, applying it to the opportunities and challenges the group is working on.

Module 1 – method foundations, identification of key challenges and opportunities, evaluation and prioritisation of groups work topics

Module 2 – collaborative decision-making, cocreation methods, issue identification and resolution techniques, application to topics

Module 3 – collaborative planning, growth assessment, onboarding new members, methods for sustaining to deliver long term results

Each participant will also receive a complimentary copy of Mark Elliott’s book, Collaboration Design.