- Collaboration is a way of working... that you can learn Our training and mentorship can help you get the most out of your projects and networks.
- Collaboration is a way of working... that scales Realising your full collaborative potential requires aligned processes and technologies.
- Collaboration is a way of working... that feels good The future of work is more collaborative, people-centred and participatory.
Online and remote delivery now available for all our services:
Working with innovation leaders since 2007
What people are saying
Collabforge delivered a tailor-made approach to change management that operated from inception to project finalisation. Future Melbourne's success can be measured by our recent win in the 2008 Victorian Awards for Planning Excellence, an achievement that would not have been possible without Collabforge.
The Future Melbourne Team
City of Melbourne
Collabforge occupies a niche in the market that is new and emerging. None of the bigger players yet “get” this space, whereas Collabforge has a profound understanding of both how people (communities, businesses, government) collaborate and how this is best achieved online.
John McGee
Director, Digital Futures
Tasmania Department of Economic Development Tourism & the Arts
Collabforge gave us the very big advantage of engaging with some of our most important stakeholders in a way that excited them about the project and encouraged them to get on board.
Beau Zlatkovic
Volunteering Portal
Victorian Department of Planning and Community Development